This page is only for the following players:
TA Players (any age group - up to U17)
If you are currently in the TA and want to put your name down for the Hampshire AC Assessments, please fill in the form below. If you get re-selected for the TA before we finish our AC Assessments, you can just let us know.
As you are aware, you are advised not to do both (not because there is a 'rule', but because of the clashes in dates). In theory, the TA trials for the next cycle should all be done before we finish our AC Assessments, but that is not always guaranteed.
Please be aware that if you do NOT attend the Hampshire AC assessments, or you decline the selection for the AC squad, and are subsequently dropped from the TA, there is no way to enter the Hampshire AC this year.
U17 Players (not currently in any centre)
The U17 DC is 'optional' meaning that players born between 01 Sep 2008 - 31 August 2009 are not obliged to do the DC, even if they still want to be considered for the 2025 AC assessments.
Please be aware that if an U17 born player
DOES want to do the DC, he or she will be treated like any other DC player and will need to be selected for the AC assessments by the DC coach.
Thank you for your application. Please check that you get our automated email acknowledgement - you may need to check your spam folders as well.
If it doesn't arrive, please contact the administrator.
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