The Hampshire Hockey Player Pathway Group (PPG) contracts coaches to help deliver the DC and JAC programmes.
Where parent coaches are given a coaching position in a centre or squad which also includes their son or daughter, it is the policy of Hampshire Hockey PPG that the parent may not make any selection decisions regarding their own child.
Where this occurs, the Hampshire Hockey PPG will ensure that another suitably qualified coach or a member of the group is closely involved and gives final approval of any selection decisions involving that centre or squad, gives feedback and records the relevant scores for that player
If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact Koo Janzen using our
contact page.
We encourage all players to attend all sessions of the DC or AC but we know that, on occasion, it is necessary to miss one or more.
Our coaches do not 'penalise' players for not attending sessions. If the reasons for absence are genuine, such as injury, school trips or family commitments, and providing the lead coach is made aware, he or she will work with the player and parent or guardian to ensure the player gets the most out of the sessions.
Players must keep in mind, however, that if too many sessions are missed, the coaching team will not be able to make an informed decision about the player's standard or level and may not be able to nominate that player for the next step in the Player Pathway. The number of sessions missed for this to be a problem will depend on the player.
Please report any absence to the lead coach - not the administrator. If you know a player will miss a session before the programme has started, please wait for the coach's welcome email and respond to that. There are no refunds given for missed sessions
At the DC,
missing a session (training session or festival) is not that big a deal. Missing more than one may make the coaching team's ability to determine a player's readiness for the AC assessments more difficult. When this happens, the coach is allowed to take past performance into account, for example, if the player was in the AC the previous year. Armed with that knowledge, a DC coach may ask to have the player invited to the AC assessments.
If, in the case of injury, a player is unable to make any of the DC sessions, we may still invite that player to the AC assessments if the coach believes the player to be a of a sufficient standard (based on their knowledge of that player outside of that season's DC). This will only happen if there has been regular contact between the player and PPG administrator or the coaching team.
At the AC Assessments. For the younger age groups we always have 2 assessment dates. Ideally, all players are available for both dates but not all players will be invited back after the first assessment. If a player is not available for one of the sessions, please inform the coach as soon as they make contact with you
so that they can ensure the player is assessed on the 1 session they can attend. We do not 'punish' players for not being available for one of the assessments but you do, of course, run the risk of 'having a bad day' at your one and only assessment and ruling yourself out.
For the older age groups, when there is only 1 assessment date, players can be invited to the 1st training session to be assessed if they are not available.
At the AC
we ask all players to give their availability as soon as the selection notices have gone out. This is done so that the coach can manage player availability and squad selection for the match days to the best of their ability. Missing training sessions at the AC may result in not being selected for the next match day.
In the AC, players are expected to understand that their non-availability may have a negative impact on the whole team's performance and missing training sessions for anything other than injury or unavoidable circumstances, is generally not received with much enthusiasm.
Players can miss AC sessions if these clash with England Hockey organised events that are marked as such on the EH Centralised Calendar. These events include EH Cup competitions, EH championships or other Player Pathway activity. This does not include matches for club leagues in or outside Hampshire or any UK Lions hockey activity.
If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact Koo Janzen using our
contact page.