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How Not to Do it or Be Careful What You Sneer At

Jim East • November 12, 2024

The following two coaching experiences involve four different coaches in two different countries, but in order for the narrative to flow, and for my own entertainment, I will pretend that it was the same pair of coaches in the same session. For further (slight) amusement I’ll call them Murdo and Morag. 

I was assisting two relatively new but endlessly enthusiastic co-lead coaches on a cold and windy evening in October (I wasn’t - this is fiction). A small sided game is in progress, and after a while, Morag has seen enough, and calls the players in for group feedback. She reminds them that the purpose of the exercise is to work on counter attacking, and for a really effective counter attack, players must get ahead of the ball. Quite right I think, well said Morag. Morag asks Murdo if there is anything he’d like to add. You bet there is. Murdo points out that in order to sustain an attack, it’s important that there are players supporting the ball in case the opposition has covered all the downfield options. Wise fellow I think, that’s absolutely right.


Then I look at the players who are all, without exception, utterly baffled. I spend a moment wondering what on earth they are finding so confusing, before finally realising, as I am sure you did some moments ago, that Morag and Murdo’s coaching notes are mutually exclusive. How, the players are wondering, do we get ahead of the ball and support the ball at the same time ? Still wondering, they are dispatched back into action whilst gamely attempting the impossible.

Silly old Morag and Murdo I chuckle to myself, fancy giving such oxymoronic instructions. Thank god I’m not that daft.


Later, during a different small sided game, Murdo has spotted a problem. He calls the players in, and tells them that they are too quiet. He wants more communication. Communication, he says, is very important and there is literally none at all. Great point Murdo, I think. They are very quiet and they definitely need to talk more.

Then I look at the players, and once more they are baffled. This time I’m stumped. There’s no contradiction here surely ? Then it hits me - they don’t know what they are supposed to say. No coach in their right mind would ask a player to simply start hitting on the back hand without showing them the technique first. So it goes with communication. What are the players supposed to say to each other.


I thought about all of this for the remainder of the session and in the car on the way home. It was in the car that a nasty thought struck me. I’d spent a fair bit of time laughing (in the privacy of my own head) at Morag & Murdo in a definitely snide and sneery way. I had better make darn sure that I am always absolutely clear with my coaching notes and technical advice. I can’t claim that I have achieved that lofty goal, but my sneering is never far away from my thoughts when I coach.

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