The registration process for new players and the application process for returning players opens on Thursday 23 March at 10:00am with a few subtle changes to how we deal with club and school nominations
What is the DC?
The DC (or Development Centre) is the first step on the Hampshire Player Pathway for talented players identified by their club or school as being ready for the next step. It is not for beginners, but more for those players who are committed to raise their level and put in the hard work to do so.
Hampshire runs centres for field players as well as goalkeepers and the programme is a mix of training days and match days.
More information can be found on our DC pages.
After the DC, selected players are nominated for the AC (or Academy Centre) Assessments.
We rely on the clubs and schools to identify those players ready for the DC, and ask them to nominate those players by entering their name, dob and player position into our online Pathway Management System.
Each club or school can appoint one Junior Prime Contact who will, when logged in, have the relevant access on the system to nominate players, and track players from their club or school through the pathway.
What has changed?
In the past, when nominations were entered on forms, and emailed or posted to the HHA administrator, it was very difficult to track a player's progress or even check on players who might have left the club or school. Players, once nominated, were kind of nominated for life even if they left their club or took a break playing hockey.
Now, JPCs have the option to remove a nomination for a player if that player has left the club (or school), or if the coaches feel the player is no longer of the required standard for DC.
The Hampshire Pathway Management System will match every new player registration and every returning player DC registration, against the list of nominations, and if a match can be found, all is good. However, if a match can't be found, the parent/guardian will see a message on the system (see below) to say a nomination is missing.
PLEASE NOTE: If the club or school JPC entering the nomination does not use the exact same details in the player's name and/or date of birth, the system may not be able to match the two and the message will appear. The administrator will be able to check this and marry up applications with nominations where the discrepancy is minor, but consistent use of a player's details is very helpful (every year we are amazed at how many parents don't know their child's date of birth...🤣)
If a player was nominated in the past, that nomination will still show up as such on the system. So, technically, a past player is nominated unless the school or club JPC has deliberately removed that nomination from the system (or if there is a discrepancy as mentioned earlier). If you see the message, please contact your club or school in the first instance.
Past DC players (and current AC players) and their parents/guardians will all get an email from the administrator when registrations open again but that email will go out to everybody on the system. Please don't assume your child is nominated just because you receive that email, but log in and check.
If you know your nomination is done and you need to register for the first time, or apply as a returning player, start your journey by reading all the info on our DC pages first.
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